The decisions likely to be taken by North Yorkshire Council in the following 12 months are set out below:


Publication Date:


9 September 2024

Last updated:

9 September 2024

Period covered by Plan:

9 September 2024 to 30 September 2025







In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to information)(England) Regulations 2012, at least 28 clear days’ notice, excluding the day of notification and the day of decision taking, must be published on the Forward Plan of any intended key decision.  It is also a requirement that 28 clear days’ notice is published of the intention to hold an Executive meeting or any part of it in private for the consideration of confidential or exempt information.  For further information and advice please contact the Head of Democratic Services and Scrutiny on 01609 533531.




Likely Date of Decision

**Decision Taker

In Consultation with (Executive Member or Corporate Director)

Description of Matter – including if the report contains any exempt information and the reasons why

Key Decision



Decision Required


(i.e. the principal groups to be consulted)

Consultation Process

(i.e. the means by which any such consultation is to be undertaken)

Contact details for making representations

(Tel: 0845 034 9494)

unless specified otherwise)

Relevant documents already submitted to Decision Taker

































































15 Oct 2024





Annual Review of Member Champions



Annual Review of Member Champions




Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager

Annual Review of Member Champions



15 Oct 2024





Member Allowances 2025/2026



To make a recommendation to Full Council based on Independent Remuneration Panel Recommendations


Independent Remuneration Panel and Members

Independent Remuneration Panel meetings

Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services)

Member Allowances 2025/2026



15 Oct 2024





Scarborough Harbour West Pier Delivery



The report will seek approval:
1. To agree final budget for delivery of the Scarborough Harbour West Pier Deliver.
2. To request approval of the NYC required funding.
3. To request approval to enter into a contract with construction contractor to deliver agreed works.


Community Development: Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism and Skills, Resources
Environment: Harbours, Resources
Legal and Democratic Services: Legal
Resources: Property, Procurement and Commercial

Email and briefing

Helen Jackson, Regeneration Projects Manager

Scarborough Harbour West Pier Delivery



15 Oct 2024





Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



The double devolution pilots are progressing with the parish and town councils, business case templates have been shared with them all and will require sign-off individually once completed. Specific dates to be agreed with each area and the Forward Plan will be updated for each area once this has been confirmed.

Areas for information:
Filey Town Council
Knaresborough Town Council
Malton Town Council
Northallerton Town Council
Ripon Town Council
Selby Town Council
Skipton Town Council
Whitby Town Council



Not required

Rachel Joyce, Assistant Chief Executive Local Engagement ;  Tel: 01423  556705

Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



15 Oct 2024





Whitby Maritime Training Hub



The report will seek approval:
1.Subject to a viable business case to enter into contract with the construction contractor to deliver agreed works.
2.To agree to the operating model for the ongoing operation of the Hub.


Community Development: Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism and Skills, Resources
Environment: Harbours, Resources
Legal and Democratic Services: Legal
Resources: Property, Procurement and Commercial

Email and briefing

Helen Jackson, Regeneration Projects Manager

Whitby Maritime Training Hub



15 Oct 2024





Community Housing Fund Priority Framework



To seek approval for a Community Housing Fund priority framework for North Yorkshire and to update on the Community Housing Fund Position, seeking approval to use £1m from the Council Tax premium on second homes to further support the work of the Community Housing Fund in North Yorkshire.


Corporate Director of Community Development
Assistant Director for Housing
Assistant Director of Resources (for Community Development)
Executive member for Culture, Arts and Housing.

Circulation of report and discussion at internal management meetings.

Angela Walmsley, Senior Housing Enabler Officer

Community Housing Fund Priority Framework



15 Oct 2024





Amendments to the Council’s Constitution



Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution for recommendation to full Council.

Subject to any comments Members may have, to recommend the proposed amendments to the Constitution to full Council for approval.


Relevant NYC Officers and Members

The Members’ Working Group on the Constitution

Correspondence and meetings

Moira Beighton

Amendments to the Council’s Constitution



15 Oct 2024





Broomfields Farm Low Carbon Housing Development



To note the changes to the Whitby Town Deal project: Broomfields Farm housing development, as approved by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
To approve the entering into a grant agreement between North Yorkshire Council and Brierley Homes for the sum of £2,600,000 provided by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for the delivery of the Whitby Town Deal project: Broomfields Farm housing development.


Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Whitby Town Deal Board

Direct engagement contact with those identified.

Kerry Levitt, Regeneration Projects Officer

Broomfields Farm Low Carbon Housing Development



15 Oct 2024





Recommendations from Consultation on the de-registration of Children Centres



To report on the feedback from the consultation on the de-registration of Children's Centres to enable greater flexibility for the use of the buildings. To present proposed recommendations agreed by CYPS SLT


General Public Via Online Surveys


Barbara Merrygold, Head of Early Help, Children and Families Service

Recommendations from Consultation on the de-registration of Children Centres



15 Oct 2024





Ethical Decision Making in Adult Social Care



To update Members on actions being taken to address adult social care waiting times and workforce pressures and to set out the evaluation of the Ethical Decision-Making Framework that was put in place in January 2022.




Karen Siennicki, Assistant Director Adults Social Care


Managing Adult Social Care Pressures









5 Nov 2024





Cultural Strategy for North Yorkshire



To seek approval for adoption of the Cultural Strategy for North Yorkshire, as facilitated and developed by the Culture



Via briefings and meetings, either in person or via Ms Teams or email.

Danielle Daglan, Head of Culture and Archives

Cultural Strategy for North Yorkshire



5 Nov 2024





North Yorkshire Autism Strategy



To approve the North Yorkshire Autism Strategy, considering feedback and refinements following the public consultation.


The draft strategy was subject to public consultation (November 2023 – March 2024), including Scrutiny of Health. A range of partner organisations also contributed to the draft strategy.

The Executive Member Health and Adult Services approved the launch of the public consultation plan at the Health and Adult Services Executive meeting on 3rd November 2023.

Natalie Smith, Head of Service HAS Planning, Public Health Team 01609 534823

North Yorkshire Autism Strategy



5 Nov 2024





Director of Public Health Annual Report 2024



The Director of Public Health Annual Report is an independent report on the health of the local population. The Director of Public Health has a duty to write an annual report, and the local authority a duty to publish it. The focus of this year’s report is on healthy ageing. The Executive committee will be asked to consider and note the report.


The report includes engagement already undertaken, plus engagement undertaken specifically for the report. The principal groups are older people, and professionals/organisations working with older people. Older person’s representatives are involved in the shaping of the report.

The report will be shared with HAS leadership teams, Executive Portfolio Holder and Management Board for comment as it progresses, and to Care and Independence Overview & Scrutiny Committee following Executive.

Survey findings; informal interviews; photography competition

Louise Wallace, AD Health and Integration

Email: / Tel No: 01609 534806

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2024



5 Nov 2024





Review of Future Household Waste Collection Options



To inform Executive of the options for future household waste collections and the outcome of the Let's Talk Rubbish public consultation; approve the recommended option and proposed timetable for service change across the county and approve the capital funding for recycling containers in relation to the service change.


Cross party members task and finish group
Members of the public
Internal consultation with senior officers

Meetings and public consultation

Peter Jeffreys, Head of Service - Waste

Review of Future Household Waste Collection Options



5 Nov 2024





North Yorkshire Substance Use Strategy



Executive is asked to approve and adopt the North Yorkshire Substance Use Strategy 2024 – 2028.

A Key Decision was taken on 12 January 2024 to undertake a 12-week public consultation on the draft North Yorkshire Substance Use Strategy.


The Drug and Alcohol Partnership Board experience

A 12-week public consultation was conducted and has now concluded. A Consultation Summary Report has been prepared and will be published.

Angela Hall, Health Improvement Manager, Louise Wallace, AD Health and Integration

Email: / Tel No: 07773169901,

North Yorkshire Substance Use Strategy



5 Nov 2024





Joint Place Committee with Humber and North Yorkshire NHS Integrated Care Board



Proposals to consider options for the governance of joint business with the Humber and North Yorkshire NHS Integrated Care Board



Meetings and correspondence

Richard Webb, Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Email: / Tel No: 01609 532139

Joint Place Committee with Humber and North Yorkshire NHS Integrated Care Board













19 Nov 2024





Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators


Management Board


Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report









17 Dec 2024





Adoption of an Inclusive Service Plan focussed on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing.



To consider and agree a final version of the policy for consultation.


Hackney Carriage trade
Users of Hackney Carriages
Statutory agencies
Any other interested party
General Licensing and Registration Committee

A 12 week consultation will be delivered with the trade, disability groups and statutory agencies being contacted directly and a public campaign run by the Communications team.

Gareth Bentley, Head of Licensing, Simon Fisher, Licensing and Procurment Manager,

Adoption of an Inclusive Service Plan focussed on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing.



17 Dec 2024





Review of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy



To consider the proposed revised policy and agree a final version for consultation.


The Hackney Carriage trade
Users of Hackney Carriages
Statutory agencies
Any other interested party
Management Boardbentl
General Licensing and Registration Committee

A 12 week consultation will be delivered with the trade, disability groups and statutory agencies being contacted directly and a public campaign run by the Communications team.

Gareth Bentley, Head of Licensing, Simon Fisher, Licensing and Procurment Manager,

Adoption of a revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy



17 Dec 2024





Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



The double devolution pilots are progressing with the parish and town councils, business case templates have been shared with them all and will require sign-off individually once completed. Specific dates to be agreed with each area and the Forward Plan will be updated for each area once this has been confirmed.
Areas for information:
Filey Town Council
Knaresborough Town Council
Malton Town Council
Northallerton Town Council
Ripon Town Council
Selby Town Council
Skipton Town Council
Whitby Town Council



Not required

Rachel Joyce, Assistant Chief Executive Local Engagement; Tel: 01423 556705

Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



21 Jan 2025





Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy - To make recommendation to Full Council



To consider and recommend to Council the Revenue Budget for 2025/26 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management; Prudential Indicators


Management Board

Budget consultation process

Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy - To make recommendation to Full Council



21 Jan 2025





Council Plan 2025-2029 - To make recommendation to Full Council



To consider and recommend to council the Council Plan for 2025-2029


Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Management Board


Will Boardman, Head of Strategy & Performance, Alaina Kitching, Strategy & Performance Officer;,

Council Plan 2025-2029 - To make recommendation to Full Council



18 Feb 2025





Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators


Management Board


Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report











18 Mar 2025





North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery (LNRS) Strategy) - Publication



To seek approval to formally publish the statutory outputs of the North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery (LNRS) Strategy comprising
-local habitat map
-statement of biodiversity priorities.
As developed in accordance with the LNRS Regulations 2023.


Natural England
City of York Council
North York Moors National Park Authority
Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Stakeholders and members of the public across NY and City of York

Online hosting

Timothy Johns, Senior Policy Officer

North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery (LNRS) Strategy) - Publication



18 Mar 2025





Redeployment of land to the north and south of Crosshills Lane, Selby



To approve the proposed redeployment of the property


Executive members and Management Board at the informal Executive meeting held on 8 June 2021


Philip Cowan, Non-Operational Property Manager, NYCC Property Services





Should you wish to make representation as to the matter being discussed in public please contact Daniel Harry

Email: ( Tel: 01609 533531.